my love/hate relationship (with trust)

The deepest love, hate relationship you will have is with the person you loved enough to show parts of your true self too, then when they betray you, you have no alibi, no protection from the horrifying vulnerability you displayed. The idea of facing them is a fear that magnifies with the unbidden memories of each passing hour... As the moment of reckoning grows closer you remember your openness and grimace at your weakness in letting yourself trust anyone, much less this traitor that waited til he knew about your stutter, your fear of germs, your childhood traumas and the ways you overcame most of them, your secret music snobbery, your scars and your inability to trust enough to tell anyone who you really are...waiting until then to betray you... But that's why its betrayal isn't it?

Because Jesus loved Judas it hurt, because he trusted him. The thing is all the while Jesus knew Judas had the ability to betray him, if he was safe he wouldn't have trusted him.... But if we are always safe. Never risking anything, never trusting anyone and never bypassing our broken hearted walls of fear enough to love, we aren't really living. We won't be living life to the fullest.

Am I saying stop being cautious? not entirely, its good in moderation. But Faith is a risk we are asked to take, trust is a fearful, unsafe and dark unknown God wants us to step out into, its part of life more abundantly... trusting in Him first, who will keep us, then letting ourselves trust and love his people, who will undoubtedly hurt us and let us down. But they will also complete us and in those very Ups and downs character forms. In stepping into the dark unknown with only a rope we call Jesus as our safety, bearing our weakness, doubt and fear to Him, who loves us anyway... He strengthens us, we find that the girl we were last week, last year, before we surrendered into Gods unknown plan for our life, is not the same as who we are today. We find that walking in faith is much more than belief, its a way of life. It's a surrender of safety and control. We are no longer hiding our weakness and imperfection and doubt, we are laying it all on he table and instead of a painful betrayal at the hands of a human, we find God who knew it all and was just waiting for us to admit it and trust him with it...He doesn't turn and condemn us, or tell us how screwed up we are, or how crazy our weaknesses are, He tells us we are safe now. We are accepted with all our faults, His love is unconditional, not human. And if we can trust Him in thisour vulnerability, our greatest sins, humaness and failures we can certainly trust Him with our future's. He will not only be there, He will be perfecting His plan in our lives as we abandon into fearful & wonderful trust.
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three concrete floor masterpieces (and some southern sweet tea)

Yesterday, I sat on the cool concrete floor in the lowest level of my house and listened to someone playing cello to my songs and as I did I was probably transported to another realm or something. I don't know how to describe what a stringed instrument can do to me. Its almost like a glimpse of heaven thru an instrument.
As I sat there realizing that despite all my worries and troubles, I'm waiting for those moments all the time, the little glimpses of joy, the pieces of a happiness that reverberate and filter thru your system. I don't spend my life searching for those moments but when they come they're always well worth the wait.

As I sat there the cello running thru my system, harmonies filling my ears, my head, the spot inside my stomach where something beyond happiness can settle, with cool cement under my legs, while finishing a glass of sweet tea, I felt so much. I thought back to a little earlier when the girl playing cello, said something along the lines of, playing cello, in shorts and a t-shirt and drinking sweet tea, this is the life... And I smiled at how much her appreciation for the blending of simple things resonated with me. All of this combined took me back to the other times I had those glimpses of heaven, joy, breathstopping happiness, contentment... I realized this wasn't the first or only time I went to that place with this very same floor beneath me, a few inches from where I was...
Once long ago I sat here with my best friend, mostly in silence, even though it was.fleeting, the perfect contentment I felt was probably one of the most tangible moments of feeling Gods presence in the midst that I've had.
Once I listened while a violin played out loud in the open on a recording melodies, parts and harmonies that had been in my head for years...8 years and more, some of them, waiting to be all set together piece of music, that eventually will become a bridge, a tool, a voice to do and say what I don't know how to otherwise.

I am constantly and properly impressed with the perfect understanding, empathy and artistry of a creator who uses our every experience to build a story that will speak thru us to others and will move and shake and shape us and our lives into not only exactly who He created us to be. But as He works, He let's us live beautiful, creative lives while it happens, little do we know all the while He's enjoying the orchestra he's directing, the canvas he's filling with color, the masterpiece He is working with us at the center, sitting on the concrete, hearing the sounds we were created to enjoy, appreciate and create. Seeing the beauty of the people He's created and knit into our lives. And occasionally, if we're lucky, drinking sweet tea on the side.
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Happy Fathers Day Daddy

Happy Fathers Day to all the Daddy's out there...
Today I've been praying for the people I know who've lost their Dad's. It makes me want to tell you to honor your Father today, or your Father figure, or God... whether you hold with these commercialized holidays or not.
Not being a Father I wouldn't know but I imagine its hard work, and its not always recognized.

If you are hurting today and in lack of a good Father, try to forgive him where he failed, where he was human, it will probably heal you.
Despite a few exceptions most of us severely undervalue our parents. Usually not seeing how much they sacrificed to give us the life we have.
I have been immeasurably blessed to have parents who laid down their lives for me and my brothers and sisters and let us watch them lay down "their" lives in surrender to God. I got to watch them surrender in obedience and try to walk in faith in ways few people do. And it has been such a rich life for me, in good times and bad. I am so thankful to have a Father who set aside his comfort zone time and again to put his family first and try to honor God.
If you have someone, whether it be a Father, Mother, Grandparents or anyone else that has shaped your life, sacrificed, loved, prayed for you. Tell them what their worth. Tell them what they mean to you. It matters and a little encouragement can go a long way.
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less of that

Remember how I was writing long, borderline sermonizing journalistic type blog's? I'm probably too busy for that this week. But I wish I wasn't because I am a swarm of emotion. Not overwhelmed, dramatic emotion. Just deep introspective, heart shifting emotion. Some of it can't be written but most of it is well fertilized preparation for a story or 2 or 3. Stories of disappointment, transition, love, broken hearted romance, facing your past and finding healing or hurt, forgiveness, anxiety, proving yourself, and mostly learning to trust God. The stories will keep but my work before leaving on tour won't so be prepared for one liners or two this week and maybe say a little prayer for me if you think of it.
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Tuesday morning strikes again

This morning I was supposed to wake at 7:15 for a specific errand, around "still in the 6 o'clock hour not even 7 and therefore God's probably not awake yet", I woke up to the music of the birds just after dawn also known as a text message that should have been silenced.
As it came into focus though it sobered me and sunk my heart. It was a friend asking for prayer for their brother, after what sounded like a rough, scary and probably shocking night and the empathy running through my veins was over powering.

I wanted to reach into the situation and calm the family and then shake the boy trying in every wrong way to prove what he was and wasn't, the downfall of many a boy raised in a good family but hurt by the church they serve... I know, he's just looking for validation, looking for a God that hurts less and is easier than the hypocritical church he's had a close look at...

So before I shake him for all the pain I know he's causing his family... Even though I know he needs to open his eyes before more damage is done to them or to himself, to the younger brother's watching, to the sisters who cry themselves to sleep with multiple broken hearts and some nights question why he needs to be so bad and other nights why they have to be so the parents who have tried their best and as an answer to their arguments and tears and pleas of unconditional love get their humanity thrown in their face, being told they've failed as parent's, (though I'm pretty sure, now that I'm old enough to know and a little wiser than the boys trying to prove their manhood...that those parents just like mine are just humans, saved by grace trying their best to follow God and give their children the best they can, even though they don't know what the best is supposed to be, cause nobody showed them. Cut the parents some slack kids. Some times their trying to lay down their life for you, don't persecute them for the times they fall off the pedestal you put them on. You can't justify your sin with their imperfection.)

But what if that's the trouble? What if in one instance the parent's weren't the best parent's they.could be... That's still not usually all that the boy is gonna talk about to his girlfriend (who maybe his drug of choice) late at night. He may be blaming his parents but its eventually gonna come back to something else.

Before I shake him, or just say boys will be boys, they have to sow their wild oats or whatever the rubbish is...
Let's say somebody's brother was raised in the church, probably with parents who had a radical conversion or who were trying to walk a walk of obedience in a fallen mess of a world, remember they are still human, but either way they tried, and something went wrong, somebody ask me what went wrong...

One of 3 things went wrong, but usually a combination of the three, occasionally there may be an exception. But I'm pretty sure all these hurting, insecure boys are running off with a lot of the same pain.

Most of us, from my generation down to my youngest brothers, who were raised in the church got a pretty good dose of the first two things.
One, we watched the church that we believed in walk a walk of hypocrisy that spread thru everything from adultery to little compromises and addictions like alcohol, materialism, pornography, the media among other things that went from a few white lies here and there to a whole church full of broken marriages and disenfranchised youth.... Why all the destruction, compromise and disappointment? How does this happen in the church?
This brings us to the second reason, Because the mainstream church in America, and the progressive, newly improved, non traditional emerging church, is living under grace. So now as there is less and less difference between the church and the world. There's less and less reason for children to respect the church much less their parents. Because whether you're in a traditional, "unenlightened" church, or part of the "emerging church" you are making it okay for young people to go to church on Sunday and talk theology with their smart Christian friends then to live in the hell of their choosing. This double standard, this glorified, watered down, rampant double standard excusing and justifying living a carnal Christian life or walking half of a walk, is why these boys are confused and looking elsewhere, and why young people in general are leaving the church in droves.

There's another reason... I won't say boys will be boys, but I will say boys need to know how to become men. Because whether they know how or not, they will try to. They'll try to prove who they are and who they aren't especially if they're part of the above group that doesn't respect the church anymore or their parents who may have served the church instead of following God.
They may go to extremes or use violent methods to prove themselves or they may use women. They may hurt the girls that are just a stepping stone in their journey of self discovery.
Unfortunately I have been a part of this process from more than one angle. Girls can use boys too...
In the process of deciding who they are, Maybe this boy will have someone besides a sister, maybe he has a best friend who wants to be there for him challenge him, hold his arms up...
But self discovery is messy, it usually involves experimentation, because you're still trying to prove you're not like your father or the church... And rebellion whether little or great is a wider road... And its much more alluring, melodramatic and seductive than the sister, or the mother or the best friend or the family that was there to hold your arms up and is even now praying for you.

I guess maybe you don't need to know the reasons brothers make their sisters cry. So I won't go into any more detail. Maybe you don't want me to explain why I've lost so many friends, casualties of the Christian rite, examples of a failed system not a failed faith...more of a lack of faith (James 2). But someone needs to talk about it because it isn't stopping, if anything's increasing. Where are the kids I grew up with? The promising young leaders on fire for God... No one is talking about them. People I love are falling by the wayside, if they survived this long now they are becoming casualties of a watered down walk, rich with causes but falling short on holiness... Now, I'm starting to ramble... I'll let it rest for today. But let's keep talking about it, cause its not just adolescent males. It's an epidemic stretching out and wearing the faithful down to a few. And if the few aren't talking and blogging and writing and doing something who will?

Now, I'm not trying to sound like I have all the answers because I don't. But I have one... It's Jesus and Him crucified, unhindered, undiluted, unchanging and uncompromised. The more people that have that the more answers we'll find.
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colored glass, the therapist

These moments in time and space, light and color, charismatic silences in the midst of a nonstop rush, even while striving to remain outside the ratrace... These moments where time and space fold and mend my analytics... These light fixtures can be healing.

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keeping records

I started out here ready to nicely document my last week in an attempt to maybe make someone laugh. I don't have it in me right now, not because I haven't learned that humor helps make life less dramatic and more bearable... I would know, an all too keen appreciation for the comic and the ridiculous has gotten me in trouble more than once...

But I probably don't have it in me because although my body has been playing errand girl at the lumber yard and at Lowes and in between times I've been cooking for 16, and playing school teacher to my little sister and answering phone calls and doing all this business until I'm too tired and sore to feel like blogging into my phone... My mind is running nonstop in different ways. I don't have time to amuse anyone by laughingly writing off my frustration, because after a meeting that changed my year I'm rescheduling the next 6 months in my head, I'm literally making multiple lists in my head for every area of my life and my family's life and our year and festivals and merch and new product and groceries and a new album, and the current album, and the cheapest place to buy milk and sugar and lettuce and flour and organizing the next festival and making this weeks menu and comparing prices on high-speed internet so I can turn it on while we are home so I can work and type these lists and many more into the computer...but I don't have a computer anymore because the ancient laptop that I have everything on just broke out of the blue. It won't turn on anymore and I keep reaching to look something up but I can't because my laptop's broken and I have no way to get a new one... Inconvenient but still much more bearable than the fact that while these lists and literally at least 50 more are running thru my head...
while I'm working and busy and organizing all the worlds problems away there's a flashing neon sign in my head and a weary spot in my heart reminding me that there are other things I should be doing and everyday that passes I'm not getting any younger and if I'm not keeping house and making babies like a woman should, I should at least be making music, I should. I should allow that though everything I hide behind is good, it's not everything...
But so much time has passed and it wasn't because I wasn't trying and I wasn't using waiting on Gods
Timing as a facade or an excuse. There were times when building a platform for others was more important, and as I get another message asking if they're on the stage this year and I have to say no...not this year, I'm torn. Because I want to give to others... So I guess my momentary pause tonight is this, is it pride in me that is wants something to show for all these years of work, or is it Gods timing? Finally a small piece of fulfillment of the years of work, promises, sweat, patience and
Tears.... Why am I giving pause to any question? I'm going downstairs to answer it.
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The Movie in my mind

I feel like I should really make a movie for you to in any way understand the multiplicity of what goes thru my head
It's visual, its musical and its far too deeply analytical
always the thoughts overlay images and then there's the music
The ongoing soundtrack playing behind and thru everything
It would probably do you good to hear it, words are not enough...
If a pen could paint this experience for you it would be far beyond genius. Maybe It's just that experience & discernment are a potent combination
All these intellectuals seeking what's already been found... I fear for their safety & yes, their salvation, because it's easily lost when you're caught up in finding new ways to God... Or just to the safety of feeling smart...

Wisdom & understanding, its far too underestimated and all this knowledge & avant garde enlightenment will not replace or sustain us
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meager contributions

It seems like I should contribute something
I was thinking as I watched the sunrise over the highway
I was torn about sacrifices, I was questioning why I question
All I could think was I'll soon be between my sheets
And I won't have to stay awake writing, because it questions me
It asks me to embrace discipline and produce what I was born to
And I am entirely afraid of what I was made for, I'm afraid to admit
Its not that I don't know... But every half I step towards it
Excludes me more from the normalcies I would settle for
This should scare me, is this where I say, "but that's where faith comes in"?
No, It's where I cower, because knowing faith alienates me
Asking you to believe that God compensates for the unknown, embracing who I am, leaves me abandoned
I'm not sure I should express without resolve.... Forgive my process, my living out my contribution
I'll rework the happy ending, but that not always being in sight won't always stop me

Ahh, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp or what's a heaven for? (Lewis)
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line upon line

I feel like I've intentionally been avoiding writing... Any of it.
Unprepared to accept, confess, create, process, heal, believe...
It seems like the floor was pulled out from under me from at least four directions. And most of the times...there's an angle, but sometimes there's not. Sometimes we sincerely want things to be okay and then suddenly (at least inside) they are.
We've been nursing this broken heart for so long we don't know if we can trust a mending.
Betrayal exists and comes and goes as surely as the seasons. You'll trust and break and heal and trust again.
I'm not saying this because I'm healed, I'm just saying I know this is true.
The very pains I'm most afraid of touch me and change me, it seems sometimes just to make me stronger.
We beg a reason, a need for fate or God or destiny to require so much of us.
We scream over how senseless it is to have happiness or love only to have it taken away. Then in our quietness, while peeled apart & crying, kneeling, standing, walking again...It all starts to come clear, in pieces, the completeness of it all, the need to be broken down, to know your weakness, to learn your strengths.
Day by day, Word by word, line by line, step by step, precept upon precept.
Character builds, time heals, knees and hearts strengthen, God mends and completes us... A work that continues and comes full circle in our brokenness we're made whole.
There is a strength thats made perfect in our weakness
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