2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you. Not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.
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She's not gonna ask you twice

I couldn't beg or plead or bleed or scream. It wouldn't be right. And a narcissistic withholding of peace can't break me the same way now.
There's things still tangled in the heartstrings of the mess you left me in. You probably won't hear them in my voices just like I can't see you through your....
Marblized well cultivated power trip and a half dose of innocent ignorance.
While I'm holding & testing the olive branch it's not the best time to ignite it
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Who knew how well a town could mock you....
Lights and spells, ties, stages, promises, white well marketed lies
And you with your lines and your head full of songs and sometimes yourself...
I miss what I dreamed this dream would be, but in ways I'm proud to say I know what it does
I hate what this town can do to a man, and to a woman's will
Don't doubt while you're cleaning the coffee shops, in the town you should've owned.
I count the costs of hearing this call, and I know I have to own it
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stuck in my throat

Pretend you aren't just everything everyone else was
You've got less reasons, Baby I've got more
If I'm overwhelmed, overworked, often wrong, forgive me
If you're leaving though or still double living, let me please latch my door
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Primanti Brothers a Pittsburgh tradition since 1933

So after all these years going to Pittsburgh, we finally got to taste these giant sandwiches.... It was worth the wait and well worth tagging along and disrupting the boys "guy time".
We will definitely be more experimental with our sandwiches from this point on. We should have been adding fries to our sandwiches years ago.

In other news we're now headed home from PA. And I'm really going to miss it. Pennsylvania does something good to my soul. I don't know if it's the mountain's, the Burgan, Baker, Mcpherson combo, the chocolate milk & ice cream from Kerbers dairy,a combination of altitude and nostalgia or all of that combined. But I will always love Pennsylvania and miss its people until I can make it back again.
Maybe there's something healing and fulfilling about going back to where ministry started taking us 20 years ago and seeing change but also loving the feelings of samecness and nicely aged relationships. The people that watched God move with you, who watched me grow up, and the ones I've watched grow up. It's so much goodness and I feel so honored, refreshed and relieved to know that though I'm heading down the road now and I may not know or like whats before me. If I am living in His plan for me, I will be walking a walk that will leave year after year's worth of strong lifelong repationships, countless priceless memories and whether I'm in a storm on the side or the road or in Aunt Page's kitchen surrounded by the people and foods that I love... I will have a peace, but more importantly a faith that passes all understanding. Knowing that when you lay down your life for Him, He will take care of you, whether you're in your favorite place or in the trenches.
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Friday Night Church

Tonight's menu consists of a Friday night church outside Pittsburgh. We bring the music in 15 minutes...and the combination of Pennsylvania, Coffee drinks and raspberry lemonade puts it over the top

gone, gone, gone

In the last week or so two of my Dads best friends lost their Dads. One was just last night. I've been crying when I let myself, and sometimes when I don't.

My Dads Uncle is in the hospital, he may not make it out again, I'm preparing myself, so is my Grandmother, his sister. I talked with him a lot on Easter, I didn't know then what I think I'm knowing now.

Last night I dreamed a lot more then I should have, about love lost, about emotions I miss. I feel things I don't mean to feel.
We cry for how happy things were before, as much as we cry about things we're too afraid to talk about.

But isn't that the root of all of this? The bittersweet, love's hand in pain, life's hand in death...
I forget things can end so quickly. I've been remembiering.
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