Finally, after all this time,
Just this much time,
Not very long after all,
For the first time,
In a long time
I sat for over an hour and nothing I was thinking was about you...
Because I was watching a movie.
I think back now and realize that since that hour
I've had a few meals that weren't about you
I've watched 2 movies that weren't about you...for the first time now.
I put on 3 shirts that weren't about you
I played songs that weren't about you
I spent time with a friend and her 2 year old kid
& while looking at him all I saw was you
But since then I haven't seen you all the time,
like I have seen you in everything, every five minutes,
for every day of the last three years or more
You're still here buried in my love, woven in, tainting my outlooks,
But you aren't everywhere
Finally, after all this time
Just this much time,
Not very long after all,
For the first time,
In a very long time